Round Two of "Name That Vodka!"
After our first several successful experiments, we challenged our readers to identify our vodka infusions by color. Today, we have a more difficult challenge for you, as we have created a number of infusions lately that lack much in the way of color, only exhibiting varying degrees of cloudiness and yellowness.
The photo below contains the following vodkae, but not in this order: Apple, Coconut, Garlic, Jalapeño, Pineapple, Spearmint, and Vanilla. Who can determine which is which?
We will announce the answers, and winners (if any), on Friday, as well as several new cocktails. Tomorrow, tune in for an update on our Grape and Peep vodkas.
a: Vanilla
b: Apple
c: Jalapeño
d: Pineapple
e: Garlic
f: Spearmint
g: Coconut
a: Vanilla
b: Apple
c: Jalapeño
d: Pineapple
e: Garlic
f: Coconut
g: Spearmint
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